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How do I reset? I took damage, so I already lost the no-damage run, but the game doesn't know about it yet.

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Add something for total damage taken. That will make it more satisfying when you do a no-damage run. And sake it say how much of the available data you collected, so you can see if you 100% that too.

Very fun!

I found the perfect combo. If you get the upgrade that runs based on overclock stacks, and overclock yourself then run that, then have it overclock you, you can easily get into the level of hundreds of overclocks. And you can also have it attack inside there, so even with a normal ping you'll be dealing massive damage to anything anywhere near you.

Boosting overclocks does nothing. Overclocking deals damage which it doesn't say it does (I was hoping boosting still worked on enemies, so I had a setup to hit one enemy, overclock them, and then do all the attacks from them while boosting their overclock.)

It's really annoying when I come up with a perfect combo that should obliterate everything, and then it's super weak and I have no idea why.

I love how broken you can make your shots, super fun


I really like how sometimes when you get close to those explosive enemies, this red ring appears so you know you need to get out of the way or you'll die. It would be even more fun if they always did that. Or at least there was some way to tell if you'd get a warning. Approaching them could either be a way to bait them into exploding without having to deal tons of damage to them, or it can be instant death, and if there's a way to tell which I haven't found it.

Basically, they have 2 ranges. First is the blast radius, and inside that, is the radius where you trigger the self-destruct timer. If you're inside the blast radius, but outside the self destruct range, killing them deals damage to you, without any prior warning.

I agree that it's harsh, but there is a mechanical reason why they sometimes kill you without lighting up.


Additional feedback after a bit more playtime. The jump in challenge from one difficulty mode to the next feels like a huge spike (and it specifically says that from the lowest to second difficulty is literal doubling of enemy power). This is also reflected in the endless high score mode, which also feels like it ramps the challenge up a bit faster than I'd like. Toning the gaps down in difficulty, at least on the lower levels, would be nice to see in future.

VERY cool game though, even if it feels like it could do with some less extreme jumps on the lower end of the difficulty scale.


For people without a middle mouse button (you can sometimes still find mice like this, but more likely, people on laptops like me), it would be nice to have an alternative mapping for the "move view" option in the coding screen.

Other than that, thanks for a really fun game! I do hope the demo being on Steam isn't an indication that you plan to abandon with the full game though. I've seen that happen too often, and when a game ends up Steam exclusive, it locks some of us out of supporting you. So please don't do that?

After testing out the new endless mode, I really like it! You're able to make insanely broken builds! My only issue is that my chromebook struggles to handle it, so maybe a quality setting would help with that?

Nice to hear that you like it! It seems that the mines, in particular, are affecting performance. We’ll work on optimizing the game and providing some adjustments to address this.

Yep that adds up lol, mines are one of the primary methods I use to make a strong build

Overclock doesn't seem to be working on damage in range.

Thx for the hint. I will check it

I think an endless mode would be really cool, so that you can make increasingly broken viruses to combat increasingly overpowered enemies

I think you'll enjoy our new update ;)

how do you unlock the other characters? the only ones I have right now are hop^2A and zuse

are they not obtainable in the demo maybe?

At the moment they are not included in the demo. But we will update the demo regularly in the next month. And I am sure that some day we will unlock further characters. You can join our Discord to stay up to date.

I see, thank you for the info!

Not sure what happened, but playing on the second difficulty the last stage didn't have a data requirement, and taking the exit didn't work.

Does it worked before for you?

A simple way to solve the issue of overlapping wires is to make it so when there's multiple inputs/outputs, the wire goes out a different distance on each one.

It would be nice if when you get tons of bullets and such on screen, it would automatically reduce the graphics to make the game keep running smoothly.

Thx for playing and the suggestions. The offset und the outputs is a really nice idea!

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Used this set up (besides the OnTick() in the bottom left obvs) to win on 123456, but when I won the game didn't end. Eventually I pressed 'e' and it gave me a premium chip, but then 'e' again returned me to the level where I took a bajillion damage but didn't die but did become invisible but could still move and trigger the level ending animation and pull up this screen and shoot, but nothing seems to be happening.

Also, very cool that this game has and properly handles (afaict) flip flops

It's neat. I really wish the programs wouldn't sometimes fail with no explanation. I had an awesome one set up to overclock a bunch of robots, overclock anything near any overclocked ones, and also have them attack nearby ones. But it didn't work. I ended up almost winning and I think I could have if I hadn't had to fiddle around with it and check if it works while under attack.

Also, it feels overly reliant on RNG. You can't win in the higher difficulties without a few powerful nodes that you might just not get.

Thank you for playing!

We’ve realized that there is a bug with the ForeachOverclocked and ForeachOverclockedInRange nodes. We’ll address this issue in the next update.

Balancing the game is an ongoing challenge, and we truly value feedback like yours. Thank you!

This game is so cool! I love stringing together loads of ping nodes and then looping the onhit node at the end of the string back to the start of the list and watching the chain reaction! Great game, I love the whole concept!

Thank you for playing and for your kind words! If you'd like, feel free to join us on Discord and share your builds with our (still small) community. We’d love to see what you’ve created!

When you quit the text is in German :D

Had a really nice time, the virus building was clever and I liked how new nodes were introduced. I think there might need to be a clearer VFX for when someone is overclocked, right now I had some trouble understanding the exact mechanic. But overall really fun!

The one thing it's missing is of course a robust story mode. Can't have hacking without some reason for all the hacking, eh?

yep, and "Sie" should be written in Uppercase when quitting :)


Thx for the feedback and playing. A Story Mode is something we are thinking about. But at the moment the focus is on more basic stuff

Really cool game. My only issue was not being able to zoom out more when I was building my virus. There is not enough space to build bigger sequences. I also don't like SFX when we are being hit xd Everything else feels and plays awsome. Great job!

Thx for the feedback and thx for playing!

Man brauch einen Moment um rein zu kommen aber dann macht das Spiel richtig Spaß! Ist mal was anderes! Und schönes Design! 

Schön, dass es dir gefallen hat

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It is a cool game idea and has fun gameplay; I will be wishlisting now.

Glad you like it!

Well done all around! It was a bit hard to read the text, a scaling option would be nice but I only had to do a lot of reading in the tutorial stage. Great job!

Thx for the feedback and the kind words!